This is an area used to view the information present in the mirror. To consult, it is necessary to choose the Date and the Program you want to see.


  • Start: program start time

  • End: program end time

  • Duration: total duration of the program (based on the start and end time)

  • Breaks: total break time (inserted at the end of the blocks)

  • Production: total time of information inserted in the pages (heads, vts, live, covered notes and footnote)

  • Total: sum of production time + break

  • Overflow / Leftovers: based on duration, shows when there is time to build the newspaper (leftovers) or overflows (red and negative)

  • Remaining Time: How much time is left for the program to air

  • Consider: Approved: considers and shows only the time count of approved pages. All: considers and shows the time count of all pages, in general.
