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On Branches menu it is possible to search Assignments Proposals, Assignments, News Reports, Stories and Rundown that belong to other registered sites. It is highly important to note that by “remote site / branches” we understand that the secondary or tertiary site should also have its own ANEWS ARION server, allowing integrated branches.


After locating the desired assignment, select it and a few options will be presented “View”, “Copy” and “Print“.



Clicking on view, on the upper right corner the following window will bring all the information regarding the selected assignment.



The copy option, copies the selected assignment to the local Assignment Proposals.



Print button generates a PDF from the selected assignment.


  • Date start / end: insert the time frame desired;

  • Programs: shows the program the assignment belongs to. If no selection is made, "General Drawer” is shown;

  • Tariff: name of the assignment creator;

  • Classification: filters assignments by their classification;

  • Reporter: indicate the assignment responsible reporter;

  • Status: indicate the current status of the assignment (production, ready, done, interrupted);

  • Slug: assignment title;

  • Content: search within assignment’s content.

Fuzzy Search: the search will show results that have approximate terms with the one (s) informed. They are considered masculine, feminine, singular, plural, diminutive, augmentative and similar word sequence;

Must contain all the terms: the search will bring up all the results that have all the terms informed in their texts, regardless of the order they were inserted;

Must contain the phrase: the search will display only the results that have the phrase, exactly obeying the order in which the terms were inserted;

Must contain some of the terms: the search will bring up any result that contains at least one of the terms reported.


After locating the desired assignment, its selection will present on the upper right corner the options “View”, “Copy" and “Print”.



Clicking on “View” will open on the upper right corner a window with all the information related to hte selected assignment.



The copy option, copies the selected assignment to the local Assignments. In this case, fill in the date, program and tariff for the destination assignment and confirm by clicking on "Confirm". To cancel the action, click "Cancel".


After confirmation a confirmation message will appear, I.E.:



Print button generates a PDF from the selected assignment. This scenario allows the selection of 1 or 2 columns:


Note: It is possible to select several assignments for print at once.



In Reports it is possible to consult, view and copy as reports from the registered square. To carry out the consultation, it is necessary to select the desired square.


After selecting the square, the filters will be displayed to search for the reports you want:

  • Start / End Date: in this option, it is possible to select the search period

Programs: shows which program the report was made for. If none has been selected, “General Drawer” will appear.

  • Reporter: displays the name of the responsible reporter who produced the story

  • State: indicates what status the report is in (producing, editing or completed)

  • Retranca: report title

  • Content: Search for a story by content:

Approximation: the search will show results that have approximate terms with the informed (s). They are considered masculine, feminine, singular, plural, diminutive, augmentative and similar word sequence.

It must contain all the terms: the search will bring up all the results that have all the terms informed in their texts, regardless of the order they were entered.

It must contain the phrase: the search will display only the results that have the phrase, exactly obeying the order in which the terms were inserted

It must contain one of the terms: the search will bring

Note 1 *: for configuration reasons, some of the aforementioned filters may not be visible. In the image, all fields have been enabled.

Note 2: Excluded documents are not displayed in the search results.

One of the fields can be filled, several or none. After selecting the filters, click Search. If no fields have been filled, when searching, the system will bring all available documents.

When locating the desired report and selecting it, the options “View”, “Copy” and “Print” will be presented.



When selecting this option, information on the selected report will be opened in the right corner.



When selecting this option, the window below will be displayed and the document will be copied to the Reports area. In this case, you must select the date, the program and the reporter. Then click on 'Confirmation'.


Soon after, a message will appear confirming that the document has been copied:



When clicking on Print the system will generate a PDF with the information of the selected report. In this scenario, there are two ways to print 01 column or 02 columns.

1 column: generates a PDF of the report with the flowing text

2 columns: generates a PDF of the report with text divided into two columns (left side technical information and right side inserted information).

Note: it is possible to select more than one report for printing.



In the Stories option it is possible to consult, view and copy the pages of the registered square. To carry out the consultation, it is necessary to select the desired square.


After selecting the square, the filters will be displayed to search for the pages you want:

  • Start / End Date: in this option, it is possible to select the search period

  • Programs: displays the pages belonging to the selected program.

  • Editor: displays the name of the editor responsible for reviewing the report

  • Type: search for the type of page

  • Retranca: title of the page

  • Content: search for a page by content:

Approximation: the search will show results that have approximate terms with the informed (s). They are considered masculine, feminine, singular, plural, diminutive, augmentative and similar word sequence.

It must contain all the terms: the search will bring up all the results that have all the terms informed in their texts, regardless of the order they were entered.

It must contain the phrase: the search will display only the results that have the phrase, exactly obeying the order in which the terms were inserted

It must contain some of the terms: the search will bring up any result that contains at least one of the terms reported.

One of the fields can be filled, several or none. After selecting the filters, click Search. If no fields have been filled, when searching, the system will bring all available documents.

When locating the desired page and selecting it, the options “View”, “Copy” and “Print” will be presented.



Ao selecionar esta opção, será aberta no canto direito as informações referente a lauda selecionada.



When selecting this option, the window below will be displayed and the document will be copied to the stand-by of the selected mirror. In this case, you must select the date and the program. Then click on 'Confirmation'.


Note: it is necessary that the mirror has already been opened. Otherwise, the message below will appear:



When clicking on Print the system will generate a PDF with the information of the selected report. In this scenario, there are two ways to print 01 column or 02 columns.

  • 1 column: generates a PDF of the page with the flowing text

  • 2 columns: generates a PDF of the page with text divided into two columns (left side technical information and right side inserted information).

Note: it is possible to select more than one page for printing.



In Rundowns it is possible to consult, view and copy the mirrors / pages of the registered square. To carry out the consultation, it is necessary to select the desired square.

After selecting the square, the date and program must be selected.


After selecting the date and the program, click Upload.

When locating the desired mirror, one or multiple pages can be selected. When selecting it (s), the options “View”, “Copy” and “Print” will be presented.



When selecting this option, information on the selected page will be opened in the right corner.



When selecting this option, the message below will be displayed and the document will be copied to the stand-by of the selected program. In this case, you must select the date and the program. Then click on 'Confirmation'.


Note: it is necessary that the mirror has already been opened. Otherwise, the message below will appear:



When clicking on Print the system will generate a PDF with the information of the selected page. In this scenario, there are several ways of printing:

  • Rundows grid: if this option is selected, a PDF will be generated with the mirror grid.

  • Playlist: in this scenario, it is necessary to have integration with MAM or Neoexpress. In the printout it will be informed if the page has linked media or not; and for the pages that have media (s), the name (s) and time (s) of each media and also the total time of the VT (s) of the page will appear.

  • List of credits: this option should be used when you want to print only the content of the GC’s of the selected pages. In this scenario it is necessary to have integration with a character generator.

  • Display report: in this option, it is possible to check the times when the page was marked as “On Air” and “Displayed”, in the manual status of the pages.

  • All pages: the printout will contain all the data of the page (s), except the “Off” field. One page per page will be printed.

  • All pages compact: the printout will contain the compact data of all pages. The source fields will be reduced.

  • All offs: only the information in the “Off” field will be printed, and the pages that do not have Offs will be listed with the message “Report without Off registered”.

  • Selected pages: the system will print only the selected pages.

  • Compact selected pages: the system will perform compact printing, only of the selected pages. The source fields will be reduced.

  • Selected offs: the system will print only the offs that have been selected.

  • 01 column / 02 columns: when selecting one of the options, it is possible to generate the PDF in one or two columns. In this scenario, the information is arranged differently, as follows: one column with flowing text, two columns with technical information on the left.

  • Approved only: printing will only be on the pages that are approved.

  • Include stand-by: the checkbox, when selected, prints the pages on Stand By. This option can be used in conjunction with other printing options.


After selecting the form of printing, click Generate.

To learn about other features of the system, explore other sections available on this platform.
