The “WarningsNotices” option is located at the top of the system. Its main functionality is to trigger messages for all users of the system simultaneously.
To send a new notice, just select the square location you want the notice to be displayed on and then hit “New”. If you don't have a squareother branches, select the “Local” “Local” option.
When selecting the Square and clicking on you click ‘New’, the form will open to fill in the information for in the notice. I.E. Look:
Branches: select the square locations or sites you want to send (multiple selections are allowed);
Title: enter the message title;
Description: Describe the important information about the warning.
After filling in all the fields (mandatory), click on “Send” to fire trigger the message or “Cancel” if you want to stop sendingcancel.
When logging into the system, users will receive a warning in the upper corner, as shown in the image. Just click on the icon and they will be taken to the main Notices screen.
Delete: for this option to appear, the user must have administrator permissionadministrative permissions. Otherwise, it will not be available. Once deleted, it is not possible to recover the warning.
Resend: this option opens the form for changing information. Once changed, the message is resent. Click "Send" to fire resend or "Cancel" if you want to stop cancel sending.
Mark all as read: once viewed, messages can be marked as read.