ARION Enterprise - English

ARION Enterprise - English

Arion Enterprise Servers

Operational System

Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (cloud or physical / virtual server). One installation for each infrastructure server, all in the same version.

Minimum of 3 servers: 3 operating in Worker / Manager mode

Processor (CPU)

Minimum 8 Cores Processor @ 2.4 GHz


16GB Minimum

Hard Disk

HDD 250 GB Minimum

Network Card

Ethernet 1 Gbps Dual Port

Client Workstation

Operational System

macOS, Microsoft Windows or Linux

Processor (CPU)

Minimum 2 Cores Processor @ 2.4 GHz


4 GB Minimum

Web Browser

Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera or Safari.

Arion Mobile

Operational System

min. iOS 6.0 or Android 7.0


Access to the ANEWS server via external / public IP




Operational System

Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

Processor (CPU)

Quad-Core Processor @ 2 GHz


4GB Minimum

Hard Disk

HDD 500 GB

VGA Card

NVIDIA GT 740 or similar/superior



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