In this menu it is possible to chat with users of the newsroom.
When you select it, Chat will be displayed. On the lower part of the screen, options for “Contacts”, "Chat" and "Groups" are available.
Contacts: Shows the names of the system users, in alphabetical order.
To start a chat, select a name and click on the paper plane icon (in the top corner).
At the top, at the three dots it is possible to add members, send file and leave the group.
At the bottom is the text field to type the message, and the send button on the right.
To add a user to the conversation, click on the three dots in the upper right corner, and click Add Members. Then, select the desired user by clicking on the ball located in the right corner and click OK.
Note: it is possible to add more than one user.
After inclusion, a window will open with the names of the participants in that conversation. If you want to leave, just click on Leave Group.
When selecting the option Send File, a window will be opened to search the phone / tablet for the files to be sent. Search for the desired file and then click on “Send”. Click ‘Cancel’ if you want to give up the action.
Note: files up to 100MB (per file) can be sent with the extensions *.png; *.jpeg; *.jpg; *.gif; *.bmp; *.pdf; *.txt; *.rtf; *.doc; *.docx; *.odt; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.ods; *.pps; *.ppsx; *.odp; *.mp3; *.wav; *.wma.
In Groups, you can view the groups created by the system administrator. To view the members of the group, just click on the name of the group and the name of the users will be expanded. If you want to send a message to the whole group, click on the paper plane icon. A window will be opened to send messages and files.
To learn about other features of the system, explore other sections available on this platform.