

The Settings area has 6 submenus: Settings, License, Fonts, History and Cleaning, Logo and SMTP.


When clicking on the Settings option, note that there are three options: Branches Settings, Data Indexing and Streaming Server.



The “Name” must be informed the name that you want ANEWS Arion to be identified on the server. The name must contain up to 50 characters.

In “Language”, the desired language must be selected to use ANEWS. Portuguese, English and Spanish are available.

In the "Domain" field, users' default login domain must be entered.


Base reindexing should be used when there are changes in program programs and if Anews Arion is slow to search. It is possible to choose which area you want to reindex (in this way, the time for indexing decreases). Select the menus you want and click Execute.

When a reindexing is necessary, the system will display the following message:

Note: reindexing should only be performed when ANEWS is not being used, as depending on the amount of data stored, it can take time. The system will display the message below during reindexing.

Once it has been completed, the following message will be displayed:


The option “Streaming Server” must be checked when the registered MAM does not have support for low resolution video playback. By checking this option, ANEWS will be able to play low resolution videos.


This menu will show information about the license. Such as: status, License ID, licenses in use, number of users, Type of license (period or trial), and the date of creation of the license. This area is best accessed by the Snews support team. Whenever the license is close to the expiration period, a notification will appear to renew it. Please contact support.



In this submenu, the font size in the text and print editors is configured. Once completed, it will be applied throughout the system.


In History & Cleanup it will be configured for how long you want the system to save documents in the trash and keep contents in Anews. To keep versions, documents in the dumps, mirror logs, warning history and chat conversations, just select the period, with the maximum term being 30 days.


it will be in the Logo option that you can configure the logo that will be used in the prints. To change the logo on printed reports, it is necessary to follow the specifications: maximum size: 10MB; 90X90 format and png, jpg, jpeg and gif extensions. Having the image with the indicated characteristics, just click on the “Select logo for prints” button, select the desired image and that's it!


In the SMTP option, the e-mail that will send documents from ANEWS is registered. It is necessary to inform the e-mail, the host (e-mail provider) and the port used, which may vary between values ​​1 and 65535.

The "SSL" field is used to inform which encryption protocol will be used to send the e-mails, and the SSL provider must be verified at the e-mail provider used. The e-mail username and password must also be informed.

Note: the SMTP Server e-mail must not belong to an ANEWS user, as the e-mail informed will not receive e-mails sent by ANEWS.

To learn about other features, explore other sections available on this platform.


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