After the system is implemented, for users to start using it, it is necessary for the Anews Arion administrator to register groups, users and programs. If there are squares, it is also important that they are registered. When clicking on the Register menu, the options below are displayed:
Used to register, edit, copy and delete groups.
The group allows the organization of the different roles played within the broadcaster, in addition to restricting or granting access permissions to the system's functionalities.
When accessing groups, the first step is to click on New, available in the upper right corner.
When selecting New, the window to setup the group will open. Note that it has three tabs: Data, Access and Users.
The first step is to enter the Data. The first of these is the Name (required). Then, you must select who the group refers to (editors, producers or reporters).
You can select more than one option or none of them. This decision will influence where the name of the user who belongs to the group will be displayed on the forms.
The second step is to select which areas of the software the group will be allowed to access. By default, the system marks as ‘None’. Please note in the image that there are four permission levels:
None: in this option, the user will not even be able to see that the menu exists;
Reading: in this option, the user will only be able to view the information, not being allowed to make any changes;
Writing: at this level, the user will be able to perform all actions, except those related to registration;
Admin: this option is allowed to do any type of action and changes.
After setting up the groups and permissions, the next step is to register users. At the time of registration, it will certainly be blank, given that the group is still being created.
If there are users registered already, User tab will have the list with of existing users, and it is possible to include them in the group. To do this, just select the checkbox available in the left corner of the name and then click on the arrow located between the two columns. Ready! The user will be added and will have access to all permissions of the group that was entered.
After all the groups have been created, on the home screen, it will be possible to copy, edit and delete:
When copying a group, all permissions will be copied;
When editing, you can make changes to the permissions at any time;
You can delete a Group, and, consequently, the users contained in that group will lose their permissions.
The option "Users" allow to manage ANEWS users (register, edit and delete).
From "users" window, to register a user click ‘'new’' in the top right corner, and the form will be opened. All fields with start “*” are mandatory. When registering a user, it is necessary that the group in which he will be included is already registered (as it is directly related to the permissions).
Name: Enter the user's first and last name;
Nickname: you can enter the nickname. Attention: the nickname entered in this field will be used as a reference in the forms;
E-mail: enter the e-mail address of the user who will access the system;
Group: select the group that the user belongs to. It is possible to include it in more than one.
The password on Anews Arion is registered by the user himself at the first access. Learn more at Accessing Anews.
If Anews is integrated with an LDAP server, it is possible to search for users using the “User AD” option. When filling in this field, the system will present the list with the names available in Active Directory (AD).
When selecting the name to be linked, the “e-mail” field will be filled with the e-mail address registered in the AD.
After confirming the link, the user will use the same AD credentials (email and password) to access ANews.
After registering users, it is possible to Edit, Delete and Reset the Password.
When editing, the contact form will open to change the information;
When you click delete, the contact will be deactivated and will no longer appear in the listing;
When you click on reset password, the system will reset the user's password and he will have to set his password when logging in;
Note: in the Status, it is possible to view the users who are online. If necessary, it is possible to knock them down using the 'X'.
It is also possible to find specific users through the “Filter Users” field. And it is still allowed to view the name of disabled users. Just select the circle icon switch located on the right.
In “Programs”, the programs that will be created in the rundowns will be registered.
The first step is to click in New. Then, the form will open to fill in the program information. Note that there are three tabs: Data, Team and Integrations.
The program data must be entered in the following order:
Name: enter the name of the program (required);
Start / End: enter the start and end time of the program. These times will be reflected in the rundown. The system will automatically calculate the total running time based on the start and end. (mandatory);
Radio: when selecting this option, the mirror will be configured for radio, with the appropriate vehicle nomenclatures;
Disabled: select this option when a program that has already been created no longer exists. No program can be deleted (because it contains many documents), so it can be disabled and will be hidden in the list of documents;
Groups: select groups that will be able to access the mirror. If you want all Anews users to have access, just do not select any groups.
After filling in the data, you must fill in the information of the team that produces the program:
Editors: select the name of the editors who are responsible for structuring the program;
Image editors: select the name of the image editors;
Presenters: Enter the name of the presenters. Tip: Also include names of substitute or on-call presenters. (mandatory);
Standard presenter: Select one of the presenters as the default, that is, the one who presents most often. This choice will influence the opening of the page, as the name of the standard presenter will always be on it. (mandatory);
The third tab concerns Integrations. This scenario only applies to broadcasters that have Playout and / or CG software integrated with Anews Arion. For the selection options to appear in the list, it is necessary that the device settings have been made in Integrations.
If the system administrator has already made the settings, just choose the playout and / or CG available in the list.
The Branches option is used to integrate the ANEWS software located in different locations or to identify documents from contributing places.
When registering a Branches, the option “Branches” must be enabled in the forms of the documents. Go to Settings> General> Enable Branches field.
To register branches, click on the 'New' option, available in the upper right corner. Then, the form will open to fill in the information. It is important to highlight that there are two types of places: Contributing and Remote.
Contributing: it is the square that does not have an ANEWS server and uses the server of some other branches (usually the headquarters). In this case, the journalist enters Anews via external access and produces its content on the server inside the broadcaster (headquarters). In this case, just fill in the name of the square and Save.
Suppose that the Snews broadcaster has its headquarters in Brasilia and has an Anews server. In Fortaleza, there are two journalists who send news from the region. In this case, the person in charge of IT provides an external access so that they can consult the assignments and structure the reports. In this context, there is no need for a server in Fortaleza, since journalists access Anews sporadically. Therefore, it is a contributing square.
Remote: in this scenario, each square has an ANEWS server and they can consult and copy the content of each other (learn more in Branches). It is not possible to change any information.
In this case, it is necessary to know the address of Anews, as well as to have a login and password of a user of the branch to access. For the integration to be carried out, it is necessary that all fields are completed.
The "Host" field must be filled in with the IP / Address used to access the ANEWS which will be registered as a Place, and the "E-mail" and "Password" fields must be filled in with the user data of the place to be registered for the system to validate the information. Click "Save" to complete the link.
After the Branch is registered (contributor or remote), it will be listed in the main grid. Where you can edit and delete at any time.
In this menu, all logs of attempts to access the system are recorded and which, due to some divergence of access credentials, have failed. The following information is displayed: e-mail; IP; date and time.
Query attempt log
It is possible to query the logs using the “Login / IP” field and clicking the “Search” button.
To learn about other system features, access other sections available on this platform.