

The “Archive” menu, keep in a centralized view all the documents created in the system. It is possible to combine filters and search. There are four document options that can be searched: ‘Assignments'; ‘Productions’; ‘Reports’ and ‘Stories’.

To search, just select one of the options presented. Note: Filters vary according to the document.

File Assignments

The Assigmnents option should be used to search for the staves that have been created. It is possible to search through several filters, such as: date (choose a period), program, tariff, classification, editor, reporter, vehicle, state, boom and content *. One or several fields can be selected. The search will display results according to the requested data, or all possible results, if no field has been filled out.

Note 1* : for configuration reasons, some of the aforementioned filters may not be visible. In the print below, all fields have been enabled.

Note 2: Excluded documents are not displayed in the search results.

After clicking ‘Search’, the system will display the results on the right side,

  • Date: displays the date the document was created;

  • Code: Code is the unique ID of the assignment;

  • Slug: shows the title of the assigments;

  • Programs: shows which program the agenda was made for. If none has been selected, “General Drawer” will appear.

  • Producers: indicates the name of the producer who created the assignments;

  • Editors: displays the name of the editor responsible for reviewing the assignments;

  • Reporters: displays the name of the reporters who will make the assignments;

  • Rating: shows the rating;

  • Vehicles: indicates which vehicle will be used for the assignments (TV, radio, web or printed);

  • Tasks: shows the tasks linked to the assignments.

For configuration reasons, the ‘Editors’ columns. Reporters, Classification, Vehicle and Task ’may not be visible. In the above print, all fields have been enabled.

When selecting an assignment, note that some actions that can be done with it will appear in the upper corner:

When selecting the 'Print' option, three printing options will appear:

When you click on 'View', the document will open on the right side, with its information. As in the example below.

When you click on ‘Edit’, the form will open to change the agenda information.

In the ‘Copy’ option, the system will open the window below to select ‘Data’ and ‘Program’. After filling in these two (mandatory) fields, the agenda will be sent to the agenda grid for the selected day and duplicated in 'Files'.

The last option is “Send to Rundown”. In this case, it is necessary to select the ‘Data 'and‘ Program ’(required). When clicking on 'Create' a page will be opened in the mirror (on standby) and linked to the agenda.


'Productions' should be used to search for the productions that have been created. It is possible to search through several filters, such as: date (choose a period), producers, type, boom, and content. One or more fields can be selected. The search will display results according to the requested data, or all possible results, if no field has been filled out.

Note 1: Generally, the productions are interconnected with the guidelines.

Note 2: Excluded documents are not displayed in the search results.

After clicking ‘Search’, the system will display the results on the right side,

  • Date: displays the date the document was created;

  • Slug: shows the title of the staff or production created;

  • Producers: shows the names of the producers;

  • Type: displays the production type.

Upon selecting a Production, observe in the upper right corner for the options menu with possible actions to that production:

When you click on ‘Print’, two options will appear: Grid (generates a PDF with all results displayed in large mode) Productions (generates a PDF of the selected option. It is still possible to choose multiple productions for printing.)

When you click on 'View', the document will open on the right side, with its information. As in the example below:

When you click on ‘Edit’, the form will open to change the production information.


The News Reports option should be used to search for the reports that are available in the system. It is possible to search through several filters, such as: date (choose a period), program, reporter, editor, vehicle, state, boom and content *. One or more fields can be selected. The search will display results according to the requested data, or all possible results, if no field has been filled out.

After clicking ‘Search’, the system will display the results on the right side.

  • Date: displays the creation date of the document;

  • Slug: shows the title of the report;

  • Reporter: displays the name of the reporter who made the story;

  • Editor: indicates the name of the editor responsible for reviewing the report;

  • Classification: shows the classification of the report;

  • Vehicles: indicates which vehicle will be used for reporting (TV, radio, web or print);

  • Programs: shows which program the report was made for. If none has been selected, “General Drawer” will appear;

  • Content: shows if the report is blank, approved, with content or in editing.

When selecting a production, note that some actions that can be done will appear in the upper corner:

When selecting the 'Print' option, three printing options will appear:
Grid: generates a PDF with all the search results (displayed in grid mode)
1 column: generates a PDF of the selected report with flowing text
2 columns: generates a PDF of the selected report with the text divided into two columns (left side technical information and right side decoupage and reporter texts)

When you click on 'View', the document will open on the right side, with its information. As in the example below.

When you click on ‘Edit’, the form will open to change the information in the report.

At the ‘Copy’ option, the system will open the window below to select ‘Data’ and ‘Program’. After filling in these two (mandatory) fields, the report will be sent to the general reporting grid and duplicated in 'Archives'.

The last option is “Send to Rundown”. In this case, it is necessary to select the ‘Data 'and‘ Program ’(required). When clicking on 'Create' a page will be opened in the mirror (on standby).


The 'Stories' option should be used to search for the created stories. It is possible to search through several filters, such as: date (choose a period), program, editor, image editor, type, boom and content *. One of the fields can be selected, several or none. The search will display results according to the requested data, or all possible results, if no field has been filled out.

After clicking ‘Search’, the system will display the results on the right side.

Date: displays the date the document was created.

Type: displays the type of the page

Slug: shows the title of the page

Editor: indicates the name of the editor responsible for reviewing / editing the report

Image editor: displays the name of the image editor who edited the report

Programs: shows in which program the page was created.

When selecting a page, note that some actions that can be done will appear in the upper corner:

When selecting the 'Print' option, three printing options will appear: Grid: generates a PDF with all the search results (displayed in grid mode) 1 column: generates a PDF of the selected page with flowing text2 columns: generates a PDF of the selected page with text divided into two columns (left side technical information (media and GC's) and right side texts of the presenter).

When you click on 'View', the document will open on the right side, with its information. As in the example below.

When you click on ‘Edit’, the form will open to change the information on the page.

At the ‘Copy’ option, the system will open the window below to select ‘Data’ and ‘Program’. After filling in these two (mandatory) fields, the page will be sent to the standby of the selected program and duplicated in 'Files Stories'.

The last option is “Send to Rundown”. In this case, it is necessary to select the ‘Data 'and‘ Program ’(required). When clicking on 'Create', the page will be sent to the rundown of the selected program.

While filtering all documents, there are a few more refined options for searching through content. i.e. :

Fuzzy Search: the search will show results that have approximate terms with the one (s) informed. They are considered masculine, feminine, singular, plural, diminutive, augmentative and similar word sequence;

Must contain all the terms: the search will bring up all the results that have all the terms informed in their texts, regardless of the order they were inserted;

Must contain the phrase: the search will display only the results that have the phrase, exactly obeying the order in which the terms were inserted;

Must contain some of the terms: the search will bring up any result that contains at least one of the terms reported.

To learn more about Anews, see other sections available on this platform.

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