

In ‘Posts’ it is possible to structure and manage web-type articles. The form offers elements that help in the construction of the text.

It is important to note that this area has integration with Wordpress. This means that when writing on ANEWS ARION, you can send directly to the website.

Creating a Publication

To create a publication, just click on the top menu ‘New’ and the form will open:

  • Slug: the title of the subject is inserted. mandatory item;

  • Summary: write a summary of the main information on the topic;

  • Content: this field is intended to format the article, structuring how it will appear on the website. In ‘Content’ you can use the following options:


Text style: change the text style from 7 options. Just select the text you want to change and choose one of the options below:

Bold: apply or remove bold to the selected text or line. (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet);

Italic: apply or remove italic to the selected text or line (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet);

Underline: apply or remove underline to the selected text or line. (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet);

Striketrough: apply or remove bold to the selected text or line. (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet);

Quote: when selecting the text, the section in question is displayed as a “citation paragraph”, indicated by a bar in the left corner. Look:

Font: allows you to change the font of the text. Currently, 3 options are available. They are: Sans Serif, Serif and Monoscape;

Alignment: allows you to align the text:

Clear formatting: any formatting applied will be ‘cleared’ and the text will be left without any adjustments.

Bullets: in this option there are two bullets: numeric (creates a numbered list) and circle (create a list with circles as a bullet).

Link insertion: allows links to be added. For the field to insert a link to be enabled, it is necessary to select the text segment and then it will be visible. Incorporate the link and click on ‘Save’, as shown in the image:

After inserting the link, it will be underlined. When you click, the options for visiting the page, editing and removing will appear. If you want to go to the page, click on the URL. When you click on ‘Edit’, the field will open to change the URL. And to undo the link, click on ‘Remove’.

Indent increase / decrease: allows indentation margin setting.

Inserting images: allows adding images available on the computer.

After structure all the information about the story, click on ‘Save” to create the story. Or ‘Cancel’ to give up the action.

When the story is saved, it will appear on the main screen. The next step is to click on ‘Publish’.

Then, the field will appear to choose the linked Wordpress:


The next step is to select the author and the category (for the options to appear, both must have been previously registered on the Wordpress site). These items are mandatory, so you cannot save without selecting them. You must click on ‘Publish’ to send it to Wordpress. If you give up the action, just click ‘Cancel’.

The publication information will be visible on the main page: date and time of creation, boom, author, category, date and time of publication and status.

When submitting a story to Wordpress, it is not visible on the page. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. The article is written in Anews;

  2. When selecting the option 'Publish', the article is sent to the Wordpress draft area, where it is available until the necessary revisions and formatting are made so that it is actually published on the page that is visible to the reader.

Returning to Anews, the most recent publications are on the main page. Below, the available features / information will be explained:


  1. Start / end date: allows you to filter publications by start and end date. To select the date, just click on the calendar icon and select the period;

  2. Filter by content: allows you to search for publications by keywords contained in the document or in the boom;

  3. New: opens the form to create new publications;

  4. Preview: by clicking on this option, it is possible to preview the content on the right side. There is the option to 'Edit', which basically opens the form so that the document can be changed. After making the necessary edits, click on ‘Save’ to apply. There is also the ‘Unpublish’ button (if I have already been sent to Wordpress) or ‘Publish’ (if it hasn’t already been sent to Wordpress). See the next page.



  5. Edit: allows you to edit the publication - the form will be opened for changes to be made. If the article has already been published, it is necessary to ‘Unpublish’ and then ‘Publish’ again. It is important to note that changes made to the article directly in Wordpress do not update in Anews.

  6. Publish / Unpublish: publish or unpublish articles on Wordpress. In this scenario, it is important to understand that the ‘published’ status doesn’t guarantee that the story is actually on the site (in the part visible to the reader). As previously mentioned, the articles are available in the draft area, subject to editing and are subject to a second approval, this time on Wordpress itself. In the case of the option 'Unpublish' the article is not available in the draft area and consequently is not also on the website.

  7. More: in the ‘More’ menu, there are two options: copy and delete. When selecting the 'copy' option, the system literally makes a copy of the document, based on the date and time that was requested. In ‘Delete’, it is possible to delete, but it is important to highlight that once deleted, there is no way to recover. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm the deletion and ‘No’ to abandon the action.

  8. Checkbox: allows you to select one or several materials;

  9. Date / time: the local date and time indicating when the document was created;

  10. Headline: insert the title of the publication;

  11. Author: indicates the name of the author of the article. For the name to be visible, it is necessary that the user has previously been registered in Wordpress. Another point is that the option ‘Publish’ must have been used, because at the time of sending to the site the author is requested and it is a mandatory item. If it has not been published yet, the field will be blank;

  12. Category: indicates the editorial / category that belongs to the article. In order to be visible, it is necessary that the category has been previously registered in Wordpress. Another point is that the option of ‘Publish’ must have been used, because when submitting to the website you are asked for filling the category which is a mandatory item. If it has not been published yet, the field will be blank;

  13. Publication Date: for this field to be filled in by the system, it is necessary that the article has been published;

  14. Status: indicates the status of the story that can be ‘Blocked’ (this status appears only if a user is editing) or ‘Published’ (shown when the story is submitted to Wordpress).

Note: There are areas that are interconnected with the ‘Publications’ menu. They are indicated throughout this manual. When creating a document in other areas, when selecting the option ‘Send to Publications’, the information from the original document is automatically transferred to this area. Then, you can edit and organize as you wish.

To learn about other Anews features, access other sections available on this platform.

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