Media Center

Media Center

In ‘Media Center’ you can view and search for available media at registered MAMs. Currently ANEWS ARION offers two NATIVE software integration: SnewsMam and MetusMam, but it is possible to integrate with other manufacturers (for more information, consult our Projects team).

In this section, the integration with Metus MAM will be explained, but whatever the manufacturer, the concept is the same. The only variation is in relation to the filters: they change according to the registered device, considering that each MAM has different storage configurations.

When opening Media Center, the window below will appear. Metus MAM integration offers Date filters (initial and final); Name (of the media) or Text (search for words inserted in the metadata). After filling the filters, the system will search for available media. There are two viewing options: list and grid.

In ‘List’ mode, the information is displayed in more detail: Slug, duration, creation date, author, changed media type and others (the display of this information depends on how the MAM was configured)

In 'Grid' mode, it is possible to view the media thumbnail. As shown in the image below:

To watch the media, select it and click on ‘View’.

The viewer window will open on the right side of the screen.

Metus also allows you to make in-out markings on the videos thru ANEWS ARION. I.E.:

The Media Center was designed so that journalists could view proxies. This menu is completely interconnected with the rundown, as there is the possibility of inserting the media on a page. For more information, see the Rundowns menu.

There are simpler integrations that also appear in this area. This is the case with playout servers. They might not have a thumbnail, only the name and length of the media. And you can insert the videos and create an integrated playlist directly from the rundown.

To learn about other features. Access other sections available on this platform.


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