

It will be in the Rundowns menu were to structure, approval and the closure of the newspaper/program will take place. Each rundown can have integration with several softwares such as GCs, Playouts, Teleprompter and MAMs. See more at Integrations .


The ‘Rundown Templates’ option was designed to speed up the process of creating a program. Using predefined rundowns, the editing is fast and easy focused in shorter times to create blocks and stories.

Tip: before you start using the system, create rundowns templates. This will speed up structuring the newspaper.


By clicking on the Rundown menu, in the upper right corner under MORE, the options are Rundown Templates, Settings and Rundown Shortcuts. Select "Rundown Templates” to start creating the template.


A modal will open to select the ‘Program’. After the program is selected, click on ‘New’. Then a window will open for you to enter the template name. Fill in the name and click on 'Create'.

With the template name set, the window below will open. By default, a "stand-by" block is already part of the template. The next step is to insert the blocks. Add as many blocks as needed.


After the blocks are added, if you wish, you can rename them. Just click on the available field in the left corner of the block.

To add stories, just click on +Story, ​​available in the upper right corner of each block.

In the template, the stories are added with empty fields, the information fields are:

  • Type: select the type of the story;

  • Header: insert the headline of the story;

  • Reporter: select the reporter's name;

  • Image editor: select the name of the image editor;

  • Editor: select the name of the editor;

  • Media: enter the number, name, or island of the media to be used;

  • Cab Time: if the story is filled with text, the head time will be automatically counted, but it is also possible to manually set the time;

  • VT time: add the VT time (often used in teasers, fixed ads, etc.);

  • Total: shows the sum of the head time, footnote, Vt and covered note (if filled in the story or in the grid);

  • Delete: the trash can icon allows you to delete the story.

With one click, you can edit the fields in the template grid.

If you want to include/edit information on the story, double-click it. In this case, the story will be opened to fill in the information:

After filling in the fields, hit Save (upper right corner), then close.

Note that in the main story there are some actions you can take:

  • New: this option allows a new rundown template to be created. In this scenario, one must follow the step by step of how to create a rundown template;

  • Copy: this option allows you to replicate the template already created for other program. When selecting 'Copy', the window below will appear. You must enter the template name and choose which program you want to copy to. By clicking on 'Save', the selected program will have the template created and will be exactly the same as the source;


  • Delete: when selecting this option, the rundown template will be completely deleted and cannot be recovered. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm the deletion of the block or ‘No’ to abandon the action;

  • Standard: This option indicates that when opening a new rundown, the standard template will be indicated for use. If the option is not checked, the list with all rundowns will be displayed;

  • View: The system will open a viewer in the right corner, displaying the information that was entered into the story. From this view, it is possible to request to edit and copy the contents of the story;


  • Edit: The story will be opened, allowing to change its information;

  • +Block: The system will add a block of events in the end of the playlist;

  • Sort: When moving the stories of the template, the stories may be cluttered. This option organizes the counting of the stories in ascending order.

After making all the adjustments, there is no need to save. The rundown templates are autosaved always.


When accessing the “Rundowns” menu, you will be asked for the date and the name of the program.


If there is no rundown created for the date / program informed, a window will appear. In this scenario, there are two options:

  1. Create from scratch: Direct click on ‘Yes’ and the rundown will open;

  2. Using template: choose a template and then click on 'Yes'. Automatically, the system will fill the rundown with the information contained in the template. You can change the stories without changing the template.

Below it will be explained how a rundown will be created from scratch, when using a template, the actions are the same.

With no template selected (empty field) click ‘Yes’ to create the new rundown. Then, the screen below will open:


When creating a new rundown without using a template, as can be seen in the image above, only the “Stand-by” block is displayed. To add new blocks, click on the “+ Block” button, available in the upper right corner.

You can add as many blocks as needed. You can also rename them:

After adding the blocks, add the stories in +Story. You can add as many stories as needed.

The header information about the stories can be edited from the rundown grid or, if you want to open the story, just double click on one.


By double-clicking, the story will be opened and it is possible to enter information:

  • Type: select the type of story (mandatory item). The TYPE of the story must be previously registered. Learn more in Extra Data and Settings ;

  • Slug: insert boom (mandatory item);

  • Media: in this field, it is possible to insert indications about the media, such as: craft station info, video number or even an exhibition date. It is a free field that must be completed according to the workflow of the broadcaster:

  • Branches*: this field should only be enabled if there are squares (remote or contributing). I.E.: an existing VT was produced at the headquarters and sent to the branch. Therefore, this indication can be made in the story. This information will be displayed in the rundown grid;

  • Editor*: you can choose the name of the editor who will be responsible for writing / editing / revising the story;

  • Image editor*: you can choose the name of the image editor that edited the VT, for example;

  • News reporter*: choose the name of the reporter. In this case, it is widely used in LIVES, VTS and etc;

  • Add heading*: by clicking on this option, the name of the default presenter will be displayed (previously registered at ADMINISTRATION > Registration) You can add more than one head and change the name of the presenter, which is often used in newscast intro / opener. Note in the image below that in front of the presenter's name a timer is displayed - this is an estimate of how long the presenter would take to read the entered text. In order for to the count to be more accurate, it is recommended that presenters log his/hers reading time in to System > My Data.

Below the header, the sum of the heading times is displayed.


  • Add CG**: on the left side of the story the option to add CG can be displayed. But for this field to appear, it is necessary that the integration with a CG software has been made. If there is no integration, this option will not be visible. For more information, please contact our support.

  • Add Video**: on the left side of the story the option to add Video can be displayed. But, for this field to appear, the integration with MAM or Playout* must have been added / registered. If there is no integration, this option will not be visible. For more information, please contact our support.

  • Add VT: when selecting this option, the ’Play VT’ field is enabled. It is possible to enter the initial and final cue. The VT time must be entered manually in the 'VT' field available just below the header. Click on the pencil icon and enter the VT time. This time is displayed in the rundown grid, in the VT column.

Note: In integration scenarios, when linking a media, the time is automatically filled.

  • Add Link*: by adding this field, you can enter the text that the reporter will read. In this scenario, the system does not count the reading time - the time allocated live is manually entered in the 'Link' field available right below the header. This time is displayed in the rundown grid, in the LINK column.

The text entered does not appear on the Teleprompter, only on the mobile/tablet so that the presenter can consult the information.

  • Add VO(Voice-over): by adding this field, you can insert the text that the presenter will read accompanied by an image/video. In this scenario, the system counts the reading time based on the entered text or you can manually enter the time in the 'VT' field available right below the header. This time is displayed in the rundown grid, in the VT column. The text will be displayed on the Telepromter for the presenter to read - he will see the 'Image IN' and 'Image OUT', knowing the exact moment the note will start and end.

  • Add Footnote: this field serves as a complement to the theme. When adding text in this field, in front of the presenter's name a time is displayed - this is an estimate of how long the presenter would take to read the footnote. To make the count more accurate, it is recommended that presenters record reading time in SYSTEM > My Data.

Right below the header, the sum of the times of the footnote is displayed. Because it is read by the presenter, the header and footnote time are added together and displayed in the “Heading” field.

When a story has a footnote, a red line will appear on the rundown grid. If this story is moved, the footnote will go with it.


  • Add Information: the information field can be used to insert GC (when there is no integration), the reporter's text (LIVE, if you don't want to insert the text in the LINK) and any other types of observations.

  • Add OFF: in this field you can enter the presenter's OFFS (Voice-Over). Widely used in openers / newscast intros and recorded VOs. Information included in the “+Off” field will not be counted as production time and will not be sent to the Teleprompter.

It is also in this field that the reporter's text is exported when there is a link between the report and the story.



After adding all the necessary information to the story, click 'Save'.

Note that in the upper right, the 'More' options. When clicking, some other actions are shown:

Print: when selecting this option, 03 print options will appear;

  • 1 Column: generates a PDF of the story with the plain text;

  • 2 columns: generates a PDF story with text divided into two columns (left side contains technical information and right side information entered VT, head, footnote, etc.)

  • VO: prints only the offs entered in the story.

By clicking View, you can see Versions and History.

In Versions you can view all the changes that were made to the story. Note that the date, time, name and IP address of the user who performed the action are displayed at the top. The document indicates in red what was deleted and green what was included.

In History, it is possible to view the link between the story and stories and reports. In the screenshot below, it shows that the story was linked to an agenda and a report - there are three correlated documents on the same topic.


Done/Not Done: The story editor would give its OK to each story item, and it will be indicated in the rundown grid with a blue color. The OK may indicate that the story contains all the information, but that a secondary check is needed by the editor which approves the program to go on-air.

Approve/Disapprove: The editor approves or disapproves the story and it will be indicated in the rundown grid in green. Approval indicates that the story contains all the information, has already been revised and is ready to be displayed. It is very important that the stories are approved, because without this action, the information does not appear on the teleprompter and any other integration (GCs, MAM's, playouts, etc.)

Click on Close if you want to leave the story you were working on.


After creating the blocks and filling in the information in the stories, this section will explain the actions allowed in the rundown.


  • Start: Displays the start time of the program. By default, when registering a program, this field is already requested to be filled in, therefore, the time is already determined. But, if necessary, you can change it manually;

  • End: Displays the end time of the program. By default, when registering a program, this field is already requested to be filled out, so the time is already determined. But, if necessary, you can change it manually;

  • Duration: it is the sum of the start time and the end time;

  • Breaks: displays the time of breaks informed inside all blocks;

  • Production: displays the production time in the rundown (information inserted in the stories);

  • Total: sum of break times + production time

  • Time Left/Overflows: Displays the remainders or overflows in relation to the duration of the program. When there are leftovers, time turns green. When there are overflows, it turns red and negative.

  • Regressive: indicates how much time is left for the program to go live;

  • Consider: the system presents a way to consider the time from the options “All” or only “Approved” to perform the calculation of the rundown according to the stories inserted in the blocks.


When creating content in the rundown, note that in the image below the stories have four colors:

The green color indicates that the story is approved. The editor approves or disapproves the story in the checkbox available next to the “Total” column. Approval indicates that the story contains all the information, has already been revised and is ready to be displayed. It is very important that the stories are approved, because without this action, the information does not appear on the Teleprompter and any other integration (GCs, MAM's, playouts, etc.)


The blue color indicates that the story is Done. In this scenario, the story editor can give an OK in the checkbox available next to the “Head” field and can indicate that the story contains all the information, but that a second verification by the editor who approves the program is needed.

The yellow color indicates that the story has content. In this scenario, the editor has already filled in some information on the story. In the examples below, merchant video time has not been entered, as well as LIVE time, but the heads have already been filled.

The white color indicates that there is no content in the story. As soon as an information is entered, it automatically turns yellow.

Occasionally the story may turn red. This case indicates that the story is being edited. When hovering the mouse, the name of the user who has the document open will be displayed. Editing is possible, but not recommended, as the entered information from that user can be lost if you overwrite his/hers changes.

Note that the rundown has columns. Each column represents information and some fields allow modification by the rundown grid:

  • Block: it is possible to change the name of the block. Just click once and the field will be available for typing;

  • Total block time: the sum of all stories available in that block is displayed (break time is not added);

  • +Story: adds stories to the block;

  • Paste: paste copied or cut stories in the pad;

  • Print: generates a pdf of all the stories contained in the block. You must choose between 01 or 02 columns;

  • Delete: delete the entire block;

  • Story: indicates the story of the story;

  • Type: indicates the Type of the story. Single click to change TYPE;

  • Slug: title of the story. Single click to change outrigger;

  • Last Change: Displays the name of the last user who edited the story;

  • Reporter: select the name of the reporter (frequently used in LIVEs E VTs);

  • Image editor: select the name of the image editor (VT type stories) GENERAL DRAW E STAND BY;

  • Editor: select the name of the editor responsible for reviewing the story;

  • Media: in this field you can enter information about the media, such as: Craft editing station, video number or even the date of exhibition. It's a free field that can be filled in any way you want;

  • Squares*: This option is often used in scenarios of integration with other squares. You can choose the name of the square, if it has sent material to be exhibited;

  • OK: use this option if you want to signal that the story is revised. In this case, the only thing missing is the approval;

  • Cab. : displays the head/footnote time of the story;

  • VT: Displays VT time. With one click, you can change the time on the grid;

  • Total: sum of, head, VT, VO, LINK and footnote times;

  • Media*: This option works in integration scenarios. Through the grid, you can add/edit and delete media;

  • Trash: the trash icon allows you to delete the story.

To move the stories and change position, just click, hold and drag.


Despite being similar, Drawer and Stand-by have different proposals.

Stand-by is a fixed and standard block of all rundowns and has the purpose of leaving spare stories in case the program needs more content during the exhibition. To ease the process, the stories need to be organized and ready to be moved to the blocks.

The times entered for the blocks in stand-by are not considered in the total rundown time.

If the stories available in the stand-by are approved, they will appear on the Teleprompter and other integrations.

The Drawer is intended to “keep” stories that have not been used and have no scheduled date to be displayed. This option is suitable for storing cold reports.

Let's suppose that in a program LIVE LINK has a problem. In this scenario, it is necessary to fill in the time that LIVE would have taken. We can easily drag an article from the drawer and insert it in place of the story that has been dropped. The stories available in the drawer are reserved and can be used when the program needs content during the exhibition.

The Drawer is available in the right corner of the rundown:

When clicking, filters will be shown to search for the stories;

  • Slug: search by slug / boom;

  • Initial/Final Date: From this option, you can select the search period;

  • Documents: search by agenda, report or story;

  • Program: search by program name;

  • Hide already used: this option hides the stories that have already been used before.

After applying the filters, the available stories will be listed on the screen:

  • Date: Displays the date the document was created;

  • Type: shows the type of story;

  • Slug: title of the story;

  • Used by: displays in which program the story has already been used;

  • Program: displays the name of the program that the story is "saved";

  • Origin: shows the origin of the story (if it came from a link with an agenda or report. If it was created directly in the rundown, it is described as a story).


To insert a drawer story in the rundown, just select and drag.

When moving, the message below will be displayed. If you want to delete the document from the drawer, click 'Yes'. If you want it to remain in the drawer, click 'No'.


Through the MORE menu and the context menu it is possible to perform some actions. See below.


When selecting a story and clicking with the right side of the mouse, the system will display the context menu. It contains quick actions that can be done with the story:

  • +Story: A blank story will be added under the selected story;

  • Copy Stories: The story will be dashed and can be pasted in any position of the rundown. You can also copy a story using the shortcut CTRL+C. It is possible to select more than one story using the CTRL key;

  • Cut stories: The page will be cut - it will become dashed'd + transparent and can be inserted in any position of the rundown. You can also cut a page using the shortcut CTRL + X. It is possible to select more than one page using the CTRL key;


  • Paste stories: The previous copied/cut story will be pasted in the selected position. You can also paste a story using the shortcut CTRL + V;

  • Change status: you can only use this option on rundown whose Status is Manual. In this scenario, the story can be changed to ON AIR, Displayed, or the status can be removed. It is also possible to change the status through the shortcut CTRL + SPACE;

  • Change status cascading: you can only use this option on rundown with Manual Status. In this scenario, you can choose the stories you want and change their status. The ones that precede the last story selected have the status of Displayed and the last one is NO AIR. It is also possible to use the cascade change using the CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE keys;

  • Change selected: you can only use this option on rundown with Manual Status. In this scenario, you can choose the stories you want and change the status. There are two options: Displayed (stories that have already been aired) and Blank (no status);

  • Copy to: the “Copy to...” command will make a copy of the story(s) to another program. When using this option, you will be asked which program and date you want to copy. In this scenario, the story will be copied to the Stand-by of the selected program;

  • Send To: Shows options to send to:

Stand-by: sends the selected story directly to the program's stand-by;

Drawer: sends the selected story to the drawer of a selected program. In this case, you must select which program you want to send. The story will come out of the rundown and will be “saved” in the program;

Chat: select the user you want to send the story. The story will open directly in the viewer of the user who received the content;

Move to: the “Move to...” command will change the stories(s) to another program. When using this option, you will be asked which program and date you want to move. In this scenario, the story will be moved to the Stand-by of the selected program;

  • Print stories: allows you to print the selected story in 01 or 02 columns;

01 column: generates a PDF of the story with the plain text 2 columns: generates a PDF of the story with text divided into two columns (left side contains technical information and right side information entered vt, head, footnote, etc.);

2 columns: generates a PDF of the story with text divided into two columns (left side contains technical information and right side information entered vt, head, footnote, etc.);

  • Print VOs: prints only the offs inserted in the selected story. In the example below, the off imported the report information (document with links);

In addition to the context menu, when selecting a story, other action options will be displayed:

  • View: Opens a viewing tab of the story. It is used only to consult information or in cases where the document is being edited;


  • Delete: deletes the selected story. In this case, a confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes to delete and No to cancel the action. Whenever a story is deleted, it is available in the Trash (for the period determined by the system administrator);

  • +Block: this option adds blocks to the rundown;

  • Count: This option triggers the rundown time count and displays overruns or lacks on the stories. In the case of counting by Status (manual), the timer only starts counting when the story is ON AIR. When the countdown is in Dynamic Countdown, clicking on this command automatically starts the timer counting. To learn more, see [FALTA LINK AQUI]


  • Sort: This command is used to sort the stories. When modifying the position of the stories, the stories are usually cluttered. This option will organize the numbering according to the position that the story is in the rundown;

  • Approve/Disapprove: Approve or disapprove all rundown stories. When selecting this command, a confirmation message will appear on the screen. Click 'Yes' to confirm or 'No' to cancel the action.

  • Print: Brings the printing options as follows:

  • Rundown grid: a PDF will be generated for printing with the rundown stories grid;

  • Playlist: in the printout, it will be informed if the story has linked media or not; and for the stories that have media(s), there will be the name(s) and time(s) (frequently used in scenarios with integration);

  • List of credits: can be used when you want to print only the content of the GC's of the selected stories (frequently used in scenarios with integration);

  • Display Report: For this option to appear, the rundown must be in Manual Status. In this scenario, it will be possible to check the times when the story was marked as "On Air" and "Displayed;

  • All stories: the print will contain all the rundown stories and their respective data (head, VT, VO, etc), except for the “Off” field;

  • All stories (compact): the print will contain the compact data of all stories (the font size is reduced and the number of stories as well);

  • All offs: only the information contained in the “Off” (Voice-Over) field will be printed, and the stories that do not have Offs will be listed as “Lauda without registered Off”;

  • Selected stories: the system will generate a PDF of the selected stories only;

  • Selected stories (compact): the system will generate a compact PDF - only the selected stories (the font size is reduced and the number of stories too);

  • Selected Offs: the system will generate a PDF of only the offs (Voice-Overs) that have been selected;

  • 01 /02 columns: select how you want the PDF information to be generated. 01 columns: information - information from the story above and technical information below. 02 columns: left side technical information and right side story information;

  • Approved Only: can be checked along with any of the print options. The system will generate a printable PDF only of the stories that are approved;

  • Include Standby: check this option if you want the stand by to be printed. Can be used in conjunction with another print option. This option can be checked/unchecked manually.


If you do not want to use the context menu, you can also use the MORE option, available in the upper right corner:

  • Copy Stories: The story will be dashed and can be pasted in any position of the rundown. You can also copy a story using the shortcut CTRL + C. It is possible to select more than one story using the CTRL key;

  • Cut stories: The story will be cut - it will be dashed’d + transparent and can be inserted in any position of the rundown. You can also cut a story using the shortcut CTRL + X. It is possible to select more than one story using the CTRL key;

  • Paste stories: The previous copied / cut story will be pasted in the selected position. You can also paste a story using the shortcut CTRL + V;

  • Delete: deletes the selected story. In this case, a confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes to delete or No to canel the action. Whenever a story is deleted, it is available in the Trash (for the period determined by the system administrator);

  • Make Private: Allows the story to be private and will only be shared with selected users. Whenever a story is private, an eye icon will be displayed in place of the approval.

In the image above, the story was created by the logged-in user, but for the other users (except selected ones), the story will appear as “PRIVATE STORY”. Look:


  • Make Public: in this option, the story is public and shared with all users who have access to Anews;

  • Sharing Options: for a private story to be shared, this option must be selected. The screen below will be displayed to select the users who may have access:


  • Create a report: you can create reports (to inform problems, blockers, add a message, etc.) for the stories. A window like in the picture here will open to fill in the report information. Learn more at Reports.

When a report is created for a story, an alert icon is displayed in the main grid, indicating that there is a report on that story:

  • List reports: Lists all reports available in the selected story:

  • Copy to: a window will be displayed and you must fill in which program and date you want to copy. In this scenario, the story will be copied to the Stand-by of the selected program.

  • Send To: This option allows you to send the story to:

  • Stand-by: sends the selected story directly to the program's stand-by;

  • Drawer: sends the selected story to the drawer of a selected program. In this case, you must select which program you want to send. The story will be taken of the rundown and will be “saved” in the program;

  • Chat: select the user you want to send the story. The story will open directly in the viewer of the user who received the content;

  • Move to: the “Move to...” command will change the story(s) to another program. When using this option, you will be asked which program and date you want to move. In this scenario, the story will be moved to the Stand-by of the selected program;

  • Teleprompter: this option allows you to visualize how the stories would look on the Teleprompter;

  • View logs: Used to consult actions performed on the rundown. On the left side, you can use filters to search for a specific action: creation, alteration, deletion, approval, etc.

  • Types*: this option is only available to users who have administrator permission, and is used to categorize the types of stories. To learn more about creating TYPES, see Extra Data and Settings;

  • Change date: change the rundown date. By selecting this option, you can move the entire rundown to another date. But for this action to be performed, the selected date cannot contain a rundown already created, that is, it must be without any content;

  • Recreate rundown: to perform this action it is necessary that there is no stories in the rundown. If the rundown is empty, and this option is selected, a window will open asking if you really want to recreate the rundown. If you click ‘Yes’ , the rundown will be created from scratch, but if there is a template, you can select it. Click ‘No’ if you wish to withdraw from the action.

  • Send ready notification*: this option is only used when integrating with Vmix. For more information, please contact our support team.

  • Rundown templates: this was designed to make the process of creating a program more agile. Using predefined rundown, the program editor is easier and spends less time creating blocks and stories. To learn more, See Rundown Templates (at the beginning of this section) [CRIAR SESSÕES, pontos ancora para linkar corratamente]

  • Settings: This option only appears for users who have administrator permission. To learn more about adjustments and settings, see Extra Data and Settings;

  • Rundown shortcut: Will display the rundown shortcut options. Look:


In order for the newspaper to be delivered on time, Arion offers several ways to count the rundown's time. Below, the main ones will be explained. In order for them to appear in the rundown, it is necessary to enable in Rundown > More > Settings > Rundown

  • Show Progressive: Enables the “Progressive” column. The progressive counts the time of the stories based on the start time of the program;

  • Show Regressive: Enables the “Regressive” column. The regressive counts the time of the stories based on the end/delivery time of the program;

  • Time control mode: you can select time control – by status (manual control) or dynamic regressive (real time automatic).


See how each count works:


In this option, the time count of the stories is based on the start time of the program. Leftovers or overruns, are accounted for at the end of the program. The rule is to start the program on time.

In the scenario below, considering that the first story will be ON AIR at 6:00 pm and by the story created, it is understood that there is a surplus of 23m and 42s, this means that the newspaper will be finished/delivered at 18:36m and 18s, since theoretically there is more time. This is a leftover rundown.


Teams Schedule

Look at this other scenario. Considering that the first story will be ON AIR at 6:00 pm and based on the story created, it is understood that there is an overrun of 11m and 19s, this means that the newspaper will end at 19:11m and 18s, since theoretically the time is exceeded. This is a rundown with Bursts.


Therefore, as the stories are filled out, the program end time is displayed in the last block/story/break.


In this option, the time count of the stories is based on the end of the program. Leftovers or overruns, are counted at the beginning of the program and indicate whether it can enter before or after the scheduled time. The rule is to end the program on time.

In the scenario below, considering that the newspaper should be finished at 7:00 pm, the last story should go ON AIR at 6:59;47 pm . This program can start later, much later the scheduled start time (originally 6:00pm) -the new correct time to start is 6:23;42 pm, as there is a 23m 42s leftover. This is a leftover rundowns.


Look at this other scenario. Considering that the newscast should be finished at 7pm, the last story should be ON AIR at 6:59;47 pm, however, the program should start earlier, as there is a burst of 11m and 18s. This is a rundowns with Bursts.


In this counting option, the program editor manually changes the status of the story to DISPLAYED or ON AIR.

In order for leftovers or overflows to be counted correctly, as soon as the program starts, the editor must put the first story ON AIR (with a double click) and trigger the count.


When the editor changes the status of the next story to ON AIR, the status of the previous story is changed to DISPLAYED:

The counting works as follows:

  1. The countdown uses the TOTAL story time as a parameter:

2. As soon as the countdown ends and if the story is still ON AIR, the time turns red and starts counting as an overrun. This overflow time is decreased on the overflow/overflow clock:

3. If the story display ends ahead of time and the editor puts the next story ON AIR, the remaining time will be added to the overflow/overflow clock:


The dynamic regressive uses the newspaper's end time and subtracts the total of each story, from the last to the first. The editor will know (and be able to inform) how long each story must be finished at to stay within the schedule. The editor should locate the story that is currently on the air and see how long it should run out, based on the current time. In order for the count to take place, it is necessary to click on the “Counting” button.

See the example:

  1. Stories and the total of each one:


2. Assuming the newspaper ends at 13:00:00, then it calculates the time each one should end

3. The dynamic regressive is nothing more than the end time of each story (calculated above) minus the current time. Assuming at the moment it's 12:59:40, exactly, then it's like:

As the current time changes all the time, it keeps recalculating all the time. That's why it keeps changing.

The end time of each story is always (newspaper end time) - (total number of story after it). In the case of Story A, for example, there are 10 seconds of Lauda B and 10 seconds of Story C, which are after it. The newspaper ends at 13:00:00, so 13:00:00 - 00:00:10 - 00:00:10 = 12:59:40

Assuming it is now 13:00:10, and now that story A is going to start, then there will be an overflow, since regressive = end time - current time. It will be 12:59:40 - 13:00:10 = -00:00:30 (end time, above, would be in this case the time when the story should end).

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