Extra Data and Settings
In the Assignments, Reports and Rundowns menus, it is possible to make adjustments to fields and system settings. In this scenario, only users with Administrator permission can gain access.
It is a parameterization of usability. And it is important that it is done before users start using the system.
In the Settings option, there are 6 categories of adjustments: General, Agenda, Production, Report, Report and Mirror.
Enable backup of unsaved data: in the event of a problem / unforeseen occurrence during the creation of a document, the system saves the unsaved data in cache.
Enable the “Praça” field: it is used to enable the “Praça” field in the document registration forms (guidelines, reports, pages).
Display document code: if you select this option, the system will display the document creation code.
Select the options you want and click ‘Apply’
Enable Classification field: enables the “Classification” field in the guidelines
Enable Editors field: enable the ‘Editor’ field
Enable Editias field: enable the 'Editias' field
Enable Teams field: enables the option to select ‘Team’ in the agenda form
Enable Images field: enables the field to enter the name of the cameraman
Enable Reporter field: enables the field to select the reporter's name
Enable Tasks field: enables the 'Tasks' tab
Enable the Types field: enables the 'Type' field to be filled in the tariff form
Enable Vehicles field: enables the 'Vehicle' field to be filled in the tariff form
Allow to create private guidelines: allows the creation of private guidelines
Standard grouping: defines the staff ordering parameter.
Select the options you want and click ‘Apply’
Hide finished productions: hides all productions after they are finished.
Enable Images field: enables the field to type the name of the cameraman who produced the images OR the name / number of the media
Enable Classification field: enables the “Classification” field in reports
Enable Editor field: enable the ‘Editor’ field. Select the name of the editor who will be responsible for reviewing and approving the material
Enable Editias field: enable the 'Editias' field
Enable Vehicle field: enables the 'Vehicle' field to be filled in the report form
Show who made the last change: shows the name of the last person who edited the report
Allow to create private reports: allows the creation of private reports
Standard vehicle: defines the standard structure of the report, being possible to choose between TV, radio, Web and Print.
Select the options you want and click ‘Apply’
Enable Start Cue Field: enables the option to insert start / end cues in the VT field.
Enable Editor field: enable the “Editor” field in the page and in the mirror grid
Enable Image Editor: enable the “Image Editor” field on the page and in the mirror grid
Enable Link field: enable the “Link” field in the report form and in the mirror grid
Enable Media field: enable the “Media” field in the page and in the mirror grid
Enable Reporter field: enable the “Reporter” field in the page and in the mirror grid
Allow to create private pages: allows the creation of private pages. In this scenario, it is not possible to approve.
Select the options you want and click ‘Apply’
Enable Accumulated column: when selecting this option, the accumulated time column will be displayed in the mirror grid.
Show Predicted column: enables the “Predicted” time column. This means that the user can enter the predicted time of the pages and the sum will be shown, without necessarily counting the official time of the mirror.
Show Progressive: enables the “Progressive” column. The progressive makes the counting of the time of the pages based on the program start time.
Show Regressive: enables the “Regressive” column. The countdown calculates the time of the pages based on the end / delivery time of the program.
Show last changed column: shows the name of the last user who changed the page
Print Stand By block by default: in this scenario, Stand By will always be selected when printing the pages.
Include break time when printing pages: break time will always be included when printing pages
Calculation of time based on the duration of the program: it makes the system calculate the mirror times according to the duration of the program, that is, there is a count of breaks and production. If this option is unchecked, the system will start using the production time count only. .
Only count pages approved by default: configure the standard form of pages considered in the loaded mirror, which can be All or only Approved. If this option is checked, only those approved will be considered in the count.
Block edits after the end of the program: in this option, you can block edits in the program. For this, it is necessary to stipulate a period. In the example below, it was configured that after 1:00 am, the mirror displayed can no longer be changed. In this case, it is only possible to copy and view pages. It is not possible to do any movement or editing.
Time control mode: you can select time control - by status (manual control) or dynamic regression (automatic in real time).
If you want to know more about columns and time counts, go to Mirrors.
Select the options you want and click 'Apply'
Extra data
Auxiliary data is available in Papers and Reports. In the image below, there are four options available: Classifications, Editorials, Types and Vehicles.
They are visible because in Settings, it was selected that these fields should appear on the form. Therefore. they are available in Auxiliary Data for registration.
In this menu, the different types of agenda / report (hot, cold, factual, etc.) will be categorized. To create a classification, just type in the desired name and click on the “Save” button.
The classifications after registered can be edited or deleted. If you want to edit, click on the “Edit” option - the field will open to change the information. Then, click Save. If you want to delete, click on “Delete”. A confirmation message will appear - click ‘Yes’ to confirm and ‘No’ to abandon the action.
In Editorials it is possible to register the editorials used by the broadcaster, facilitating the organization of the articles / reports. Just type in the ‘Name’ of the editor and click on “Save”.
Editions after registered can be edited or deleted. If you want to edit, click on the “Edit” option - the field will open to change the information. Then, click Save. If you want to delete, click on “Delete”. A confirmation message will appear - click ‘Yes’ to confirm and ‘No’ to abandon the action.
The ‘Types’ option is available in Assignments and Rundowns and is used to categorize types of assignments and . Once the registration is done, it can be used in both menus.
In Pautas, this option appears to determine what type it is (VT, VIVO, Nota etc). In pages to define what type is the page being created (NC. NP. VT, VIVO, MERC and tc).
To register, you must fill in the 'Name'. Then. write an “Acronym”, which refers to abbreviations of up to four letters, and this set of letters will appear on the staff and pages to inform its type.
If you wish, you can use the “Color” option to highlight the type. The color will be indicated on the staff grid and on the mirrors:
The option "Make default" indicates that all the pages created will be of that standard.
After adding the information, click "Save".
The types after registered can be edited or deleted. If you want to edit, click on the “Edit” option - the field will open to change the information. Then, click Save. If you want to delete, click on “Delete”. A confirmation message will appear - click ‘Yes’ to confirm and ‘No’ to abandon the action.
Note: if it is linked to an agenda or page, it will not be possible to delete it.
In "Vehicles", the inclusion of new communication vehicles will be allowed. To add a new vehicle, it will be necessary to enter the name of that vehicle and select a type (print, radio, TV and Web). In the example below, the table “Astrology” was registered, it belongs to a program.
Vehicles after registration can be edited or deleted. If you want to edit, click on the “Edit” option - the field will open to change the information. Then, click Save. If you want to delete, click on “Delete”. A confirmation message will appear - click ‘Yes’ to confirm and ‘No’ to abandon the action.
In the Resources option, it is possible to add the resources available at the broadcaster. These resources are used in the Team Schedule and indicates what will be in the possession of the team for the agenda to be finalized. When clicking on the Resources option, the window below will open for you to fill in the name of the resource. After insertion, just click on ‘Save’ and the resource will be available in the listing.
Resources after registered can be edited or deleted. If you want to edit, click on the “Edit” option - the field will open to change the name. Then, click Save. If you want to delete, click on “Delete”. A confirmation message will appear - click ‘Yes’ to confirm and ‘No’ to abandon the action. If the resource is linked to any document, the message below will appear:
To learn about other features of the system, explore other sections available on this platform.