boom boomIn ‘Productions’, it is automatically possible to create, delete, view, select and consult all tasks added to the guidelines (learn more in Guidelines) and it is also possible to include new tasks, unlinked from any document.
To register a new Production unrelated to the agenda, it is necessary to click on the “New” option:
When you click, the form will open to fill in the information:
Date: insert the production date (mandatory item)
Time: enter the production time
Backseat: enter the production title (mandatory item)
Exit: if it is necessary to leave for the production execution, enter the time that the team must leave
Arrival: enter the time the team should arrive at the station
Type: select the type of production (indoor, outdoor, studio, etc.)
Location: enter the address where the production will be
Team: select the team responsible for production
Media: enter the reference name of the media (ex: video 25696)
Producers: enter the name of the producer responsible for organizing production
Editors: enter the name of the editors who will be responsible for reviewing / editing the materials delivered
Resources: select what the team will take for the production to be completed (microphones, cameras, recorders, etc.)
Vehicles: select the vehicle for which the production is being made (TV, radio, web and print)
Information: enter additional production information: credentials. questions, address etc ...
Tasks: it is possible to create a checklist for the team that goes to the street to cover the production. It must be informed which tasks will be performed, as well as their dates, times and description, if they have them. This is an optional item.
To add a task, just click on ‘Add Task’
When adding the task field, it will be necessary to inform the date, the time and the title of the task. If you want to detail more, click on ‘Add Text’ and a field for information will open. In the trash can icon, you can delete the task.
You can add as many tasks as needed.
As the tasks are being done, the reporter can check the checkbox located in the left corner.
Tasks are added, an event is automatically created in the Calendar.
After filling, click Save, located in the upper right corner.
If you wish, it is possible to create a production from an agenda. Just click on the icon located in the right corner:
Then, a tab will open in the right corner, listing all available staves.
Note that at the top, there are some filters. By default, the system already displays all the guidelines for the day, but it is possible to combine other filters:
Slug: insert the slug assignments
Start date / end date: enter the search period you want to filter
Program: insert the program for which the agenda was destined
Status: choose the agenda by status (producing, ready, completed and dropped)
After combining the filters, all options will be displayed.
When you find the desired agenda, click the icon located on the right:
When clicking on the icon, the production form will be automatically filled with the information from the agenda.
Note that the Data, Slug, Editors and Vehicles fields are blocked for editing. To change them, you must go to the original agenda. Otherwise, it is not possible to modify.
It is possible to change / insert:
Time: production time
Exit: if it is necessary to leave for the production execution, enter the time that the team must leave Arrival: enter the time the team should arrive at the station
Type: select the type of production (indoor, outdoor, studio, etc.)
Location: enter the address where the production will be
Team: select the team responsible for production
Media: enter the reference name of the media (ex: video 25696)
Producers: enter the name of the producer responsible for organizing production
Resources: select what the team will take for the production to be completed (microphones, cameras, recorders, etc.)
Information: enter additional production information: credentials. questions, address etc ...
Tasks: it is possible to create a checklist for the team that goes to the street to cover the production. It should be informed what tasks will be performed, as well as their dates, times and description, if they have them. This is an optional item.
To add a task, just click on ‘Add Task’
When adding the task field, it will be necessary to inform the date, the time and the title of the task. If you want to detail more, click on ‘Add Text’ and a field for information will open. In the trash can icon, you can delete the task.
You can add as many tasks as needed.
As the tasks are being done, the reporter can check the checkbox located in the left corner.
When Tasks are added, an event is automatically created in the Calendar.
After creating and changing the production, click ‘Save’ and ‘Close’ to exit the document. The production will be available on the main page.
When entering the ‘Production’ menu if productions are already entered, a grid will be displayed with the main information (filled in the form):
Generally, all productions for the selected day are displayed.
Time: indicates the production time
Departure: time the team must leave
Arrival: time the team must arrive at the station
Headline: production title
Type: production type (indoor, outdoor, studio etc)
Location: address where the production will take place
Team: team responsible for production
Producers: name of the producer who will be responsible for organizing production
Editors: name of the editors who will be responsible for analyzing / editing the materials delivered
Resources: resources that the team will take to complete the production (microphones, cameras, recorders, etc.)
Vehicles: vehicle for which production is being made (TV, radio, web and print)
Tasks: displays the quantity and status of tasks.
Note in the image that there are four colors in the production grid:
Orange: indicates that production has priority. It must be done urgently.
White: indicates that no task has been completed
Yellow: indicates that some tasks have been completed
Green: indicates that all tasks have been completed
In the top menu, there are some actions that can be done, they are:
Hide done: when selecting this option, all the productions that are finished, are not visible in the main grid. That is, they are hidden.
New: when clicking on this option, the form for filling in the production information will be opened. In this scenario, it is a production that has no link with any agenda. To learn more, see REGISTERING A NEW PRODUCTION (top of page)
When you click MORE, the following options will be displayed:
Print Grid: the system generates a PDF with the production grid of the day.
Send grid by e-mail: when selecting this option, a window will be opened to select which users the grid will be sent to. For this action to occur, it is necessary that the SMTP configuration has been made (contact the IT team for more information). After selecting the recipients, click ‘Send’ to complete the send or ‘Cancel’ if you give up on the action.
When selecting a production, other stock options are displayed. Are they:
Preview: When selecting this option, it is possible to preview the production. It is used only to consult the information or in cases where the document is being edited. When this option is selected, a window will open on the right:
Delete: when clicking on “Delete”, the system will present a confirmation message. If you click on 'Yes', the document will be sent to the trash, where it can be restored (it is available for a maximum of 30 days). If you click 'No', the action will be canceled.
Toggle Priority: this feature highlights production in the main grid, indicating that it is a priority and more important than the others. Notice that its color changes:
Create report: you can create reports for your productions. There may be messages, problems, impediments, etc. Learn more in Reports.
When a report is created, an alert icon is displayed in the main grid, indicating that there is a record.